Saturday, February 28, 2015

Kitsap Waterfall Survey: "Jade Cascades"

About 1.2 miles West of the Wildcat Trailhead for Green Mountain, along Holly Road is a small seasonal stream. This ephemeral stream originates in a saddle between peaks 1107 and 1291 in the Blue Hills, flowing almost a half mile before passing underneath Holly road in a small culvert. Immediately after exiting this culvert, this launches itself down a 25 foot crashing descent in a steep cascade type waterfall to the bottom of the canyon. While the volume of water itself is nothing to get very excited about, I was struck by the thickness and the vibrancy of the green moss lining the headwall the creek flowed over. Due to the intense green this moss exhibited, I elected to suggest the name "Jade Cascade" for this waterfall.

"Jade Falls" bouncing over the bright green moss covered rocks below Holly Road.
Photo by Micah K. 

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