Sunday, July 24, 2016

In the Shadow of the Mountain: Moonlit Nights and Marmot Fights

My second week meadow roving at Paradise, Mount Rainier has come to an end and wow. So many great things were experienced!

Wednesday evening was the full moon, and I was invited by several other park employees to go on a moonlight hike. Like I was going to say no to that! At around 11pm we hiked up to Bench and Snow Lakes southeast of Paradise where we spent the next several hours gawking at the fully illuminated volcano in front of us, and the backlit Tatoosh Range behind us.

Mount Rainier illuminated by moonlight. Photo by Micah K. 

Tatoosh backlit by the blazing moon. Photo by Micah K. 
Throughout the week I have been hanging around my usual spot at the Edith Creek bridge on top of Myrtle Falls, nesting in the hillside directly above the bridge are a pair of Hoary Marmots I have named Mr. and Mrs. Myrtle. This week I had a very fun time observing them courting and boxing with each other, I guess every couple has their squabbles.

"Mr. Myrtle" on the Skyline Trail. Photo by Micah K. 
"Mr. and Mrs. Myrtle" having a boxing match. Photo by Micah K. 

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